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When Houdini Met Goldblum

Why can't we animate gradients declaratively? How can Jeff Goldblum help us? This gentle, practical introduction to Houdini and the Web Animations API looks at some CSS's lesser-known features (it has types!), how it can make our JavaScript declarative and how Houdini unlocks new frontiers in design and performance.

CSSConf Budapest

28 min

CSS Animation - Beyond Transitions

Steven Roberts

Sure we all know about the power of CSS transitions, we use them day in and day out to animate the state of a button or link; but CSS is capable of so much more when it comes to animation, especially…

JSConf Budapest

22 min

Take on me, web browsers!

Eva Ferreira

In 1985 pop music was mesmerized by the a-ha “Take on me” music video. It’s been almost 35 years since then, the world needs new catchy tunes with impressive video animations… on the web. In this ta…

Frontend Love

22 min

Micro-interactions with React Spring

Emma Bostian

In her own words, Emma is a UX Engineer with a passion for design. She has recently transitioned into a UX Engineering role at LogMeIn where she builds Design Systems with React.

OdessaFrontend Meetup

39 min

Как правильно делать анимацию и добиться 60fps на различных девайсах

Виталий Калашников

Анимация — неотъемлемая часть любого нынешнего веб-интерфейса. Виталий Калашников рассказывает про аппаратное ускорение анимаций, как использовать вычислительную технику при создании динамического ве…


20 min

Take on me, web browsers! (Nordic.js)

Eva Ferreira

In 1985 pop music was mesmerized by the a-ha “Take on me” music video. It’s been almost 35 years since then, the world needs new catchy tunes with impressive video animations… on the web. In this ta…


58 min

New Adventures in Front-End, 2019 Edition

Виталий Фридман

The beast is alive! Have you optimized your JavaScript/CSS delivery for performance with HTTP/2 yet? How are you using service workers and server workers these days? What about critical CSS and Serve…


47 min

Case of One Animation

Юрий Артюх



57 min

Паттерны проектирования умных интерфейсов, версия 2020

Виталий Фридман

Вы — умница. И если вам нужно доставить что-то в режиме жесткого дедлайна, конечно, вы сделаете это. Поскольку у нас нет большого количества времени в запасе, мы полагаемся на вещи, которые всегда ра…

CSSConf Budapest

30 min

Variable Fonts & Readability

Damien Senger

A good reading experience is something highly personal: We all need different environments, we all love different font faces and we all have a specific medium at the bottom of our heart. With only on…

CSSConf Budapest

28 min

CSS in JS - beware the Hype!

Kathrin Holzmann

Everyone is hyped about CSS in JS - but is it really worth the hype? Or are there already ways to solve the Problems - maybe even in a better way? We are living in a mostly hype-driven world, where …


24 min

Особенности CSS в веб-компонентах

Артём Гусев

Многие считают, что изоляция в Shadow DOM является как его плюсом, так и минусом. Тем более, когда дело доходит до стилей. В своем докладе расскажу о том, какие возможности предоставляет нам соврем…

CSSConf Budapest

33 min

The Weird — Yet Practical — World of Paint Worklets

Jeremy Wagner

Of all the fun stuff in Houdini, paint worklets are arguably the most fun. It’s blends what’s great about the Canvas API, and makes the art you can create with it easily usable in CSS. Such a blend o…

Chrome Dev Summit

24 min

HTML isn’t done!

Nicole Sullivan, Greg Whitworth

Let’s go back in time a bit. Remember when word was out that we were going to get new HTML elements? I don’t know about you, but I was so excited. After years of building the same tabset over and ove…

CSSConf Budapest

28 min

CSS Games and Drawings in the Real World: Useful or Just Fun?

Giulia Cardieri

How did you learn CSS? The standard way is in a class, online course, or even during an internship - but what if I told you that you can learn it by making a game. Don’t believe me? Well, I conducted…

CSSConf Budapest

29 min

CSS Architecture for Modern Web Applications

Mike Riethmuller

How we build and maintain style systems has changed in the last few year. Tasks that once required specific knowledge and careful management are now trusted to build tools and frameworks with better …

Я ❤︎ Фронтенд

43 min

Особенности реализации брутальной дизайн-системы

Артём Арутюнян

Я расскажу историю небольшого проекта на стыке UI, UX и программирования. Как маленькая идея может поглотить десятки часов разработки и сколько удовольствия это может принести. Разберем все боли рабо…


28 min

Как мы строили дизайн систему

Dmitry Barabash



32 min

Interactive web animation with SVG

Cassie Evans

Have you ever felt uninspired by the every-day grind? Like coding is all work and no play? Come with me as I take you on a whistle-stop tour of delightful SVG animations. I’ll also ask for some audie…


53 min

История одной анимации

Юрий Артюх

Будет рассказано об истории создания одной анимации от получения макета до сдачи клиенту. История включает в себя язык WebGL, Three.js, GLSL, Canvas 2D, графы и немного математики.